Personal Injury
  • Action brought against attending, treating doctors and hospital for negligence and medical malpractice brought by senior and family for injuries suffered when medical procedure to intubate caused senior patient ribs to break and lungs to collapse.
  • Negligence claim against buyer of scrap metal for chest injuries to plaintiff delivery driver caused by its employee forklift operator when unloading a large load of scrap metal.
  • Lawsuit brought by children of $ 54 million Arizona lotto winner who claimed that step mother had wrongfully caused father’s lethal heart attack by overdosing on cocaine. The action also sought fraud, and contract damages for removal of lotto proceeds from Arizona to California.
  • Persona injury action for facial and scarring injuries suffered by plaintiff who was struck by vehicle when plaintiff was skateboarding in crosswalk.
  • Action offering unique standard of care issues against police department, and city jail for severe injuries suffered by plaintiff after he agreed to assist law enforcement as a “snitch” was then promised to be put in witness protection for his cooperation however he was released and severely beaten by an unknown assailant.
  • A complex medical practice claim against a recognized orthopedic surgeon and hospital for malpractice and medical battery before and after the surgery claiming that doctor failed and never intended to perform the decompression and fusion surgery (i.e., PLIF), nor the decompression and fusion surgery (i.e., TLIF) represented to plaintiff patient. Instead it was claimed that he chose to use his own new experimental type of surgery using as a “guinea pig” for a lumbar bone graft which plaintiff claimed exceeded her consent and caused permanent compression of two nerve roots.
  • A personal injury action arising from a motor vehicle vs. skateboard collision Plaintiff 14 years old at the time was apparently riding his skateboard into a crosswalk, when he collided with a vehicle being operated by employee of car dealership which was test driving vehicle. Complex damages arising from the claims that minor suffered traumatic brain injury as well as orthopedic injuries to his leg and back necessitating future medical expenses, and future life care.
  • Negligence claim brought by mechanic of car dealership who was instructed by contracted dealership Management Company to work outside of assigned duties and trim branches from an obstructing tree. Plaintiff without proper training in effort to follow his superior instructions attempted to cut limb but fell sustaining severe back injuries. A novel issue was that the dealership was a franchise of a large national chain which raised issues as to whether exclusivity provisions under workers compensation applied and vicarious liability?
  • An action involving the vicarious liability between general contractor and subcontractor in which subcontractor employee was injured by falling into a large hole which was opened as part of a storm drain project.
  • A lawsuit on be half of disabled student of school district who was sexually assaulted by teacher’s assistant for Special Education. Claim was made against the school for negligently hiring this assistant as it was claimed by the parents and other students that he had other prior offensive conduct. The case had large prayer for punitive damages.
  • An assault and battery action brought by former church volunteer against very well-known church and pastor. The suit claimed that the Pastor’s assistant had been instructed to remove the former church member from further teaching and if she refused then they were to use force. Plaintiff was in fact removed by church security personal who in the course of removal plaintiff suffered significant shoulder and back injuries requiring multiple surgeries. An Interesting issue in case was reasonable use of force in the removal of plaintiff.
  • Multiple premise liability cases.
  • Multiple automobile v. automobile cases.

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